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Top 10 Supply Chain Undergraduate Programs

July 23, 2024
The schools in Gartner's list are adapting learning to the current, and future environment.

With the increased focus on the supply chain function in organizations, companies are seeking out supply chain professionals from various education institutions. To this end the recent release of Gartner’s Top 25 North American Supply Chain Undergraduate and Graduate Programs is especially useful.

Gartner surveyed fifty-two undergraduate and forty-seven graduate institutions. 

“Looking at curriculum across undergraduate and graduate programs, we’ve seen growing interest in supply chain analytics, however, a decline in manufacturing focus,” said Dana Stiffler, vice president analyst with the Gartner Supply Chain practice, in a statement. “This is especially noticeable in supply chain M.B.A. degrees, with less than 50% of programs having significant manufacturing content, compared to 76% of programs two cycles ago in 2020.”

This slideshow features the top ten for undergraduates, but the following is the rest of the list.

11.  University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

12. Colorado State University

13. Western Washington University

14. University of Wisconsin, Madison

15. Purdue University

16. Arizona State University

17. Georgia Southern University

18. Howard University

19. Indiana University

20. Northeastern University

21. Wayne State University

22. Western Michigan University

23. Miami University, Ohio

24. Washington University, St. Louis

25. Texas A&M University

 Here is the list for graduate schools.