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Visibility to Temperature-Sensitive Shipments

March 30, 2020
CAVU Group has introduced CAVU Hub, an on-line platform that manages and distributes information related to temperature-sensitive shipments.

CAVU Group has introduced CAVU Hub, an on-line platform that manages and distributes information related to temperature-sensitive shipments. Package data is continually collected, updated and analyzed to help ensure product quality.

With instant access and complete visibility into a product’s lifecycle as it travels from manufacturing to delivery, users can identify and respond to a potential compromise in critical time, temperature, humidity and other adverse conditions. There is no need for physical retains as digital records are readily available within the Hub—anytime, anywhere.

Hosted on Amazon Web Services, CAVU Hub is secure and accessible 24/7/365. The Hub supports IoT and Blockchain strategies and assists in 21 CFR Part 11 compliancy.

Currently available is a centralized platform to upload and share all product temperature and humidity data. Information may be uploaded to the cloud and made visible to authorized users throughout the supply chain.

A future release will include exception management with real-time notifications and alerts via email and SMS messaging to show when shipments are out of safe temperature or humidity range. Features and functionality will include a dashboard with analytics for tracking all shipments within the supply chain, be fully viewable to key stakeholders, and connect to all ATI and Microtek products.

CAVU Group

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