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Scan to Print

May 4, 2022
Automated Marking's Reiner 1025 Sense includes the ability to print barcodes, alphanumeric text, live date and time, and more.

The Reiner 1025 Sense is an all-in-one solution for scanning, processing, and printing data. There are three ways to utilize this technology. All options include the ability to print barcodes, alphanumeric text, live date and time, sequential numbering, and graphics.

  1. Scan > Copy > Print – Scan a QR code, for instance, and print that same code with the option to include additional data with the code.
  2. Scan > Convert > Print – This offers three options. Scan a barcode or QR code, and print the embedded text in the scanned barcode, print the human readable code in the scanned barcode or convert to a different style/type of barcode.
  3. Scan > Command > Print – Create a look-up database stored on the printer. Scan a barcode, and have it jump to your specified print on the 1025; then, print the preprogrammed information.

The unit can store up to 255 imprints at one time and can print up to 1 x 3.5 in. (2.5 x 8.9 cm).

Automated Marking Inc.

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