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Incident Management and Recall Tool

Oct. 26, 2022
iTradeNetwork's TrueTrac is an innovative incident management and food recall solution that instantly and precisely identifies the location of compromised products.

TrueTrac is an innovative incident management and food recall solution that instantly and precisely identifies the location of compromised products. With TrueTrac, buyers and suppliers will protect the health of consumers, mitigate the impact of food safety event, save time and money, and preserve brand reputation.

The addition of TrueTrac to iTradeNetwork’s iTracefresh solution suite helps supply chain participants capture critical traceability data to gain the visibility and insights they need to comply with regulations, lessen the impact of recalls, and ultimately grow their businesses.

By regulating the way they handle incidents, buyers and suppliers can acquire valuable data in seconds, saving thousands of lives by pulling products from the shelves before they reach the consumer.

With TrueTrac, suppliers and buyers can geographically analyze inbound or outbound shipments from the lot of origin to the final destination. The map-view feature allows customers to account for perishable products in real-time, so businesses can quickly identify products based on a number of metrics, including lot codes, to find exactly where the products are in the supply chain in a matter of seconds. Reports are configurable and enable users to find and export the data they need quickly. TrueTrac users can even identify where confirmed outbreaks from the CDC and FDA overlap with their own products within the supply chain, allowing for prompt interception and immediate incident management.


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