Auto Scheduler Make N Ship 63f4d4d4b2c2b

Warehouse Optimization Platform

Feb. 21, 2023
AutoScheduler.AI has introduced the Make-n-Ship warehouse optimization platform that optimizes loading products straight off the production line.

AutoScheduler.AI has introduced the Make-n-Ship warehouse optimization platform that optimizes loading products straight off the production line to better orchestrate production, warehousing and transportation plans. Moving production runs directly to a truck can help eliminate touches, help with labor shortages and reduce the need for storage space in a warehouse or distribution center located at the manufacturing site.

The platform:

● Creates transportation requirements days in advance so “best cost carriers” can be engaged.

● Reschedules transportation as production changes, aiming to match production schedules.

● Creates and transmits a recommended transportation plan.

● Updates hourly on the need and timing of trailers and inventory.

● Issues alerts, using the latest data and trailer availability to relay such warnings, as there will be a trailer shortage in two days.

● Updates a real-time deployment module to reflect the latest decisions on where to shift or store inventory.


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