Planalytics Inc. has released Impact 3.1, an Internet-based application that measures the specific effects of past, present and future weather on consumer demand by product, location and time.
The new version includes a messaging feature that allows users to receive email alerts and Decision Point bulletins and recommended actions to improve competitiveness and profitability. Behind the scenes enhancements to Impact allow Planalytics to automatically generate most of these Decision Points based on a thorough understanding of each retailer’s exposure to future weather and that client’s planning and decision making processes.
Impact’s Executive View feature and improved navigation functions allow users to quickly obtain information, the way they need to see it. These customized views can be converted into PDF reports with a mouse click for distribution to the user`s colleagues.
Another new feature is weather-driven demand forecasts that extend the current 12-month window by an additional six months, giving retailers the ability to strategically plan their seasonal product volume orders 18 months ahead.
The Season Timing option allows users to see and act upon forecasts that show where and when seasonal products will start selling, volumes will peak, and sales will start slowing. This makes it easier to determine the best times to stock, promote or markdown seasonal merchandise.