Analog Devices can now deliver real-time commit dates to customer orders

Sept. 15, 2004
Analog Devices Inc., a supplier of semiconductors for signal-processing applications, has implemented Adexa's Enterprise Global Planning System (eGPS)

The solution lets Analog deliver real-time commit dates to customer orders and in the process removes time and costs from the supply chain planning and order scheduling processes, says Gerry Dundon, Analog's VP of planning and logistics.

Adexa's ATP solution is integrated on a real-time basis with Analog Devices' SAP ERP system. Customer orders entered into SAP are automatically routed to Adexa ATP and scheduled based on configurable business rules. These rules take into account on-hand inventory, future material availability, customer priorities and sophisticated allocation logic. Order delivery dates are returned to SAP virtually instantaneously.

Rescheduling logic also ensures that order delivery dates are pulled in when supply conditions improve, while ensuring that existing order commitments are not negatively impacted.

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