webMethods and VeriSign team up to provide connectivity to EPC Network

July 13, 2004
The webMethods RFID Starter Pack will enable direct connectivity to the EPC Network so that shippers can better access and utilize supply chain data stored

The webMethods RFID Starter Pack will enable direct connectivity to the EPC Network so that shippers can better access and utilize supply chain data stored within the EPC Network. VeriSign and webMethods will work together to market VeriSign's EPC Network Services offerings with the webMethods Enterprise Services Platform and other webMethods software products to retailers, distributors and manufacturers implementing radio frequency identification (RFID) and electronic product code (EPC) technologies.

By enabling customers to purchase VeriSign's EPC Network Services, webMethods will deliver an enhanced integration to the EPC Network with the next version of the webMethods RFID Starter Pack. The solution will enable companies to seamlessly integrate their RFID data with core enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications, warehouse management systems and databases in order to automate their supply chain and achieve increased efficiencies in their business processes.

As a founding subscriber to EPCglobal Inc., the organization that develops and oversees commercial and technical standards for the EPC Network, webMethods provides support for adoption of the EPC Network and in the creation of industry standards for RFID technology. VeriSign was selected by EPCglobal to build and manage the Object Naming Service, one of the core components of the EPC Network.




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