
TMS Supports Multiple-Container Booking

May 1, 2013

JDASoftware Group’slatest version of its Transportation & Logistics Management, part of JDA eight, features the JDA Transportation Smartbench, a new user interface that lets users leverage greater amounts of actionable data to make better informed, real-time decisions. It segments, filters and displays data in ways that are meaningful to the user, allowing users to identify planning exceptions and access navigation capabilities to resolve exceptions in the most efficient, cost-effective manner. It supports the ability to manually generate bookings of multiple containers and to tender to ocean carriers. Bookings can be rated and rate shopped and support full ability to adjust sailings, equipment types and carriers alongside adding and removing containers on the booking. It also supports rating and scheduling of both direct-to-door and port-to port-rates. This allows all contract types to be represented in a single, global optimization and execution flow. 


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