DHL Announces Another U.S. Sortation Hub

Sept. 22, 2004
During September, DHL announced its third and fourth regional sortation hubs as Memphis and Baton Rouge

During September, DHL announced its third and fourth regional sortation hubs as Memphis and Baton Rouge. The carrier embarked on an aggressive expansion following its acquisition of Airborne Express. It said it would spend $1.2 billion to improve and expand its U.S. ground network. So far, that has included siting four of seven regional sortation hubs planned for 2004. Additional hubs will be announced in 2005.

DHL said it would synchronize all 24 of its ground hubs with Canada and Mexico by 2005.

DHL has set a goal of achieving 20% market share by revenue. It says its current market share is 6% to 8%.

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