SMC³ has announced a Contract Law Seminar including sessions on laws governing transportation contracts, differences between shippers and service providers and key strategies for successful contract negotiations. Robert M. Spira of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Arnoff LLP, will lead the sessions. Spira has been active in transportation law for over 25 years.
Information is available from SMC³ at
In a separate announcement, the Transportation Loss Prevention & Security Association will hold its annual conference April 21-23 at the Catamaran Resort Hotel in San Diego, CA. Included in the program are sessions on transportation, international trade, and one entitled “Law of the Land v. Law of the Jungle” which the group bills as lawyers explaining the law and businessmen explaining the real world of transportation and logistics.
Workshops on cargo claims, transportation insurance and security are also scheduled. The event culminates with exams for Certified Claims Professional accreditation for those who have met the qualification and pre-registered to take the exam.
For information, contact the Transportation & Logistics Council
To view the latest column by hazardous materials attorney Lawrence W. Bierlein, "Getting Closure on Packaging," go to
Or, for transportation attorney James Calderwood's latest column, "Look Before You Sign," go to