Following on a series of actions taken during the past year, the US Postal Service (USPS) is making more moves aimed at savings in reaction to continuing economic challenges. These latest measures involve closing six of its 80 administrative offices, eliminating jobs across the country and offering early retirement.
Administrative functions of the offices being closed will be taken over by 10 other offices located close to them. The USPS stresses the offices being closed perform administrative functions only and there will be no effect on customer service, mail delivery, Post Office operations or ZIP Codes. The offices are located in Mary, FL, North Reading, MA, Manchester, NH, Edison, NJ, Erie, PA and Spokane, WA.
1,400 mail processing supervisor and management positions at 400 facilities around the country are being eliminated. Additionally, district level administrative staff positions nationwide are being reduced by 15%. Early retirement is being offered to 150,000 employees.
Among actions aimed at reducing expenses taken during the past year have been cutting 50 million work hours, consolidating mail processing operations, freezing salaries of USPS officers and executives and instituting a nationwide hiring freeze.