Transport Boom Boosts Equipment Buys

Aug. 2, 2004
Not all carriers are moving vigorously to increase their fleets. Some are taking looking to solve some capacity issues by not retiring trailers and tractors

Not all carriers are moving vigorously to increase their fleets. Some are taking looking to solve some capacity issues by not retiring trailers and tractors that had been slated for replacement. Others are sticking to purchase plans formulated in the last quarter of last year, without any increases.

An exception is Con-Way Transportation Services, which had planned to spend $90 million this year for capital expenditures to move freight. That has changed and the carrier will now spend $181 million for additional highway tractors, trailers and forklifts. The company expects to purchase 1,300 new tractors and 1,950 trailers.

Gerald L. Detter, Con-Way’s President and COO, notes that, “Our growth and earnings have been very strong over the past 12 months. Our return on assets is excellent and the prospects for continue growth will be enhanced by providing Con-Way the equipment it needs to respond to its customers’ service expectations.”

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