Unions Reject TNT Agreement

April 28, 2009
The agreement previously agreed to in principle between TNT Post and its union workers included a decrease in pay, which the parties had agreed to in light of transitional measures and a job guarantee spanning six years (twice the term or the agreement). The fist three years of that measure were unconditional. However, rejection of the agreement means the proposed measures no longer apply, said TNT.

TNT cited increased use of e-mail and the opening of European postal markets to competition for the decline in work for TNT Post operations. It said declines had been at rates faster than ever before—5% to 6% per year. “What’s more,” said TNT, “ the company’s competitors offer their staff a much more sober employment package. This means that over the coming period TNT will have to continue making preparations for the restructuring plans required to achieve the necessary savings.” Among the changes, TNT anticipates reducing the number of days on which business mail is delivered, a move it says is in line with customer wishes. “In compliance with its obligations under the Postal Act, TNT Post will continue to deliver consumer mail six days a week.”

TNT is maintaining its target of annual savings of €395 million ($514.7 million) until the end of 2015. These are savings required to compensate for the mail volume decline, says TNT. Should the restructuring plans be carried out, job losses could amount to 11,000 employees over a period of one to three years. “Under these circumstances forced redundancies will be unavoidable.”

TNT said it remains receptive to further talks with the unions on serious alternatives that can make a substantial contribution to achieving the savings target.

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