The United States Postal Service (USPS) is implementing a service parts management solution to manage its nationwide service parts network, as part of its new Enhanced Spare Parts Initiative (eSPIN Initiative).
With more than $350 million in service parts inventory supporting approximately 500 field stocking locations around the country, the USPS is replacing its first-generation service parts planning software with a service parts management solution from Servigistics to maintain its high rate of mail processing equipment uptime, critical for the movement of postal mail product, while reducing excess inventory, increasing inventory turns, lowering costs and improving visibility across its service parts network. With the Servigistics solution, the USPS also hopes to avoid new purchases for service parts, while increasing forecast accuracy and parts availability nationwide.
In January 2005, the USPS issued an extensive Request for Proposal (RFP) and evaluated several service parts management solution providers to replace its existing technology, a process that culminated in the selection of Servigistics. Some of the requirements included a web-based architecture, ease of use and multi-echelon optimization capability.
The USPS delivers to 142 million homes and businesses every day and serves seven million customers each day at its 37,000 retail locations nationwide.