Keep Track of Equipment in Shipment

Nov. 7, 2012
FedEx Corp. expanded its SenseAware service, providing customers with broader international availability and the ability to use the service with air carriers outside the FedEx network.

FedEx Corp. expanded its SenseAware service, providing customers with broader international availability and the ability to use the service with air carriers outside the FedEx network. SenseAware 2000 can now help shippers monitor inventory in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and Singapore. Ground service customers can create a geo-fence along the actual route a shipment should follow and set up alerts to notify them if the shipment deviates from this pre-established route. Customers can choose which environmental data, such as temperature, humidity or barometric pressure, is collected. Triggers can be set up to alert or notify when geo-fence events do not occur as expected by a specified time. This helps customers determine if a package has gotten off pace or off track.


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