MH&L Honored for Editorial Page

July 29, 2013
Material Handling & Logistics took first place in the “Editor’s Letter” category of ASBPE’s 35th annual National Awards of Excellence program Friday night, July 26th.

ASBPE, a professional educational and networking association for business-to-business writers, editors, and designers, honored Material Handling & Logistics for the "Andel and Handling" page from the February and November 2012 issues at its 35th Annual Azbee Awards of Excellence

"We are at a critical juncture in B2B publishing, and the industry is rapidly evolving to reflect advancements in digital media technology," said Amy Fischbach, ASBPE’s outgoing national president and an Overland Park, Kan.-based freelance writer and editor. "This year's national award winners should be commended for their strong commitment to their readers and site visitors and their pursuit for excellence." 

The Azbee Awards of Excellence program, with more than 60 categories, recognize outstanding work by magazines, newsletters, and digital media like Web sites, e-newsletters, digital magazines, and blogs. This year’s presentations took place at The Grotto restaurant in Oak Brook, Ill., and concluded a one-day ASBPE national editorial conference.

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