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Top Ways to Motivate Employees

June 28, 2021
Here are some ways to stem the tide of employees leaving their jobs in record numbers.

There is a worker revolution going on. And while previous revolutions were to demand better working conditions, this current revolution consists of people just outright leaving their jobs. 

In April of 2021, almost four million people quit their jobs. This is according to the Labor Department.  This pushed the rate of job quitting to 2.7% of those employed. 

This rate of job dissatisfaction is the highest since the Labor Department started keeping track of this metric in 2000.

While much has been written and will continue to be written about why this is the case, we are going to take a different approach and instead offer employers some ways to motivate people in the hopes that they will enjoy their jobs and not quit. 

Note: These are not ranked by any particular study but instead have been pulled from a number of sources.